U Turn

Complicit surrender before a whimper of a debate, is that where we are?

A wonderful tool that unlocks , is to question, WHY?

Why is this generation willing to gamble the children in a WOKE experiment, an experiment that no past generation were exposed to, including the faction that drives it?

Why is it rushed, (like covid was rushed)?

Why is it ‘main stream’ and driven in state and private schools?

Why are people afraid to debate it?

Most changes grow organically. It starts with a shared ideology and then parents that share a mindset open an alternative school and the experiment unfolds. If it is successful then it is studied and slowly released into the general public. If it fails, then lessons are learnt.

Why is media hammering it, (like covid was)?

Consider my example…

I was born female and my older brother made me his best friend when I was 9 and he was 12. He gave me his albums and dunk me on his handle bars before I got my own bike. We would take his bike, that didn’t have breaks, up to the top of a steep hill, ride down full speed and smash into a pile of sand at a building site. I always had bruises. When my brother got his license at 18 and I was 15, he took me surfing every weekend, with his mate Dave. From an early age I was called a ‘tomboy’ and today I would rather shop at Bunnings, than Myer, I am wired that way, and I was a girl and now a woman.

I was mocked by boys for surfing and many of my ideas were put down as ‘I was a girl’. I had to do more chores than my brother and I embraced feminism at university, but not the Female Eunuch. My brother wore eyeliner at clubs, but he wasn’t a girl.

Could I have been an adventurous girl in THIS generation without being pushed into the boy realm or lingering in purgatory? Is this the new prejudice? If I like ‘boy’ things, I’m a boy and if a boy likes ‘girl’ things, then he is a girl. What’s wrong with fierce girls and gentle boys?

This experiment polarises the sexes into rigidity, not fluidity. I fought hard to be ‘an equal’ woman and the struggle was the dynamic driver of my personality. The friction between the sexes is an important part of our development, just as our compatibility is.

When I grew up; being ‘gay’ was the lifestyle of some of my friends, including one of my best friends and they blended into the social fabric. I used to dance at the Dome on Friday nights and ponder my faith during the week. We weren’t railroaded, most of the time we ran wild.

A daughter or a son, it’s the challenge of life that develops us, that drives the culture forward, not complicated operations and hormone blockers that can’t be reversed when puberty woes pass. If an adult chooses to be transgender, that is their journey and sweet transgender people I have met say, it’s not easy.

The main question to ask is why?

Why are governments and media are rushing changes that have never been tested onto the population? It’s something we all have to ask. Divided, distracted people are easy to manipulate, we have to ask ourselves, while there is still time, what is the agenda?

If the political goal is to create long jail sentences and heavy fines, and social compliance to erode our rights, then woke is a magical distraction.

Should this generation of children be experimented on?

I say no.

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